Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lesser-Known Facts About CE License Renewal Requirements

I receive inquiries on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis from Montana licensed producers and adjusters concerning the CE requirements for renewing their licenses. Here are a few lesser-known details:
  • The 24-month period during which CE must be taken ENDS with your license renewal date and does NOT BEGIN with the date you obtained your license.
  • All licensed adjusters and producers--with the exception of Limited Lines Producers, must complete 24 hours of CE during their renewal period. (YES,this includes Title, Surety, and Life-only or PC-only producers!
  • The requirement prohibiting a producer from repeating the same CE course for credit within a 24-month period is much less strict than a lot of people believe: (1) The topic is not restricted - you CAN take more than one auto seminar or law seminar. (2) The restriction applies to the course #. (3) Each CE provider in MT receives a separate course # for each of their courses. If Faulkner Education Services offers a 2007 Legislative Changes/Law seminar, it's course # is unique and totally different from all other providers' course #s.

For more information, visit the following links:

  1. Our web site:
  2. The Montana DOI web site: